General Ophthalmology
Getting an eye exam is an important part of staying healthy.
We recommend that a patient have a dilated eye exam every one to two years depending on their age, family history, and current medical conditions.
At Rockville Eye Physicians, our doctors offer an eye exam and closely inspect for signs of eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, many of which have no early warning signs. They also will examine the eyes for common eye conditions such dry eyes, conjunctivitis and chalazions.
Common Eye Conditions
Dry Eyes
Our eyes need tears to stay healthy and comfortable. If your eyes do not produce enough tears, it is called dry eye. Dry eye is also when your eyes do not make the right type of tears or tear film.
Here are some of the symptoms of dry eye:
Stinging and burning of the eyes
Scratchy or foreign body sensation in your eye
Mucus in or around your eyes
Inflammation and redness
Excessive tearing
Conjunctivitis is often called “pink eye.” It happens when the conjunctiva is irritated by an infection or allergies. Your eyes are red and swollen, and sometimes have a sticky discharge. You can have conjunctivitis in one or both eyes. Some types of pink eye are very contagious and can be easily spread from person to person.
Here are some of the symptoms of Conjunctivitis:
Itchy eyes
Red eyes
Stinging and burning of the eyes
Scratchy or foreign body sensation in your eye
Puffy eyelids
Blurry or hazy vision
Large amounts of mucus, pus, or thick yellow discharge from your eye
A chalazion is a swollen bump on the eyelid. It happens when the eyelid’s oil gland clogs up. At first, you might not know you have a chalazion as there is little or no pain. But as it grows, your eyelid may get red, swollen, and sometimes tender to touch. If the chalazion gets large, it can press on your eye and cause blurry vision.
Here are ways to treat a chalazion:
Warm compresses
Surgery to drain the area
If your chalazion affects vision or does not go away, you may need to have it drained. This surgery is usually done in our office.